Pizzica Tarantata

Pizzica Tarantata

Traditional tarantella from Puglia. Arrangement by Alessandra Belloni and John La Barbera.

The tarantella originated as a healing trance dance to cure the mythical bite of the tarantula. This fast 6/8 rhythm, played mainly by women on medium size tambourines during this wild, erotic dance, was performed as a healing ritual to cure a mental disease called tarantismo, which mainly afflicted women (tarantate).

The women (rarely men) suffered from depression, hysteria, schizophrenia, and anguish, which was caused by repression of their sexuality, abuse, unrequited love, and exploitation at their jobs. The tarantate fell into an hypnotic state of mind, and in a trance they frantically danced for days during the Summer Solstice. The women halluc